Online Free Moroccan Darija Translator

Online Free Moroccan Darija Translator

The darija Translator Project is the first free moroccan arabic dialect Translation Service , An online Arabic translator for foreign and Arabic people to translate your texts easy to darija moroccan to understand the meaning of phrases and words to help yourself learn more

you can translate darija to english easy and get Moroccan Arabic ( Darija Moroccan ) words easy with this tool that we build for all Darija Learnerl , Moroccan Arabic which is darija but words are wrote in franco letters like this ( zwin – salam – chokran ) and this is the common way to learn darija . and of course you can translate phrases but not in a perfect way because we still working to improve this option

Darija Arabic Translator Pro Version

This is a simple and effective tool for translating Darija Words and Phrases. Explore our features and enhance your language skills , Available is here


Translate 7 Lines Darija Text Sentences or words or verbs

Translate from Both Side : English / Darija

Write your words in different styles Ex : mzyan = mzyn = mzn = mezyan

Synonyms For Words

Support 24 H

The New Coming Features are free , we always developing it to be the best Tool

Learn Darija with Video Cards

My Darija Instagram Page : @babarodarija

I have been sharing hundreds of Darija video cards over the past few years. These cards consist of common phrases and words used in daily life, featuring a comfortable design and a slow, clear pronunciation

Instagram Link Page For Learning Darija :

Darija Dictionary

A Darija Dictionary with daily additions of words and phrases, complete with definitions, examples, and different styles of writing, including Arabic alphabets


The owner

Welcome to my Moroccan Arabic translator! For all Darija learners, my name is Soufian. I am a computer science student and a Moroccan Arabic online teacher with over two years of experience in successful online teaching. While many are familiar with my page @babarodarija, I decided to create this translator for anyone eager to learn Moroccan Arabic but struggling to find good resources or easy-to-understand study materials.

Support our idea

Our Project now is still in the beginning road so we have some problems that we work on fix them and improve the machine to make it fast smart and easy to use , but all this need some professional developers to make it work and as you can see the expenses increase to become high that we can’t afford it in this time plus we already pay a lot but we believe in our project that will give a lot of help to the world and you all will support us to make it go more forward and been Real

You can support our Project in paypal website

From very dollar helps ! Thank you for your continued support