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ممكن جمل عن الطيور بالانجليزي ؟

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ممكن جمل عن الطيور بالانجليزي ؟

  1. بعض الجمل عن الطيور بالإنجليزية :

    1. Birds are fascinating creatures with their colorful feathers and unique songs.
    2. Some birds, such as eagles and hawks, are known for their impressive hunting skills.
    3. Many birds migrate to different regions during different seasons in search of food and better weather.
    4. Birds build nests using various materials, such as twigs, leaves, and grass, to lay their eggs.
    5. Bird watching is a popular hobby for nature enthusiasts who enjoy observing different species of birds in their natural habitats.
    6. Birds play an important role in ecosystems as pollinators and seed dispersers.
    7. Some birds, like parrots, are known for their ability to mimic human speech and other sounds.
    8. Birds come in a wide range of sizes, from tiny hummingbirds to large ostriches and emus.
    9. Birds have unique adaptations, such as beaks, wings, and feet, that help them survive in their environments.
    10. Many cultures and religions around the world have symbolic meanings and beliefs associated with birds.
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